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Feelings are Physical, Updates, Excitement!

Eileen Dickinson, LMT

Dear One, Hiiii! So many exciting things to share with you today! Seriously, get ready for so much awesomeness. But first, How are you? How is your September going so far? Are you still in Summer mode? Are you excited for the fall? I can feel the transition to the fall. I resist it so much because I love summer but I am learning to roll with the changes. I love this quote from Sheryl Paul from her book The Wisdom of Anxiety: "There is no fighting nature; the seasons change, and time passes, and no matter what humans exert onto this great, beautiful planet, we will never change the laws of nature. She is teaching us, always, the perfection of her rhythms: that when we surrender and grieve- which means stopping long enough to allow the tears to rise up and release- we are offered an opportunity to tend to the sadness that lives in the heart. It is so easy to run from it during the warm, active seasons of long daylight. These shorter days signal the beginning of the time to turn inward, to snuggle into the sacred and vulnerable places, and allow for the emptiness, the dormant time from which the new seeds for next spring's rebirth with gestate. When we breathe into the darkness instead of running from it, we remember there is nothing to fear. When we meet it, we transform emptiness into fullness and turn what could be a moment of anxiety into a moment of gold." Can't recommend that book enough! Okay here are all the things: First of all, I am in the process of opening back up! Woohoo! I am starting out slowwwly and then I'll go from there! I will be relocating to the Enlightenment Counseling Center's Hartford space as it has more ventilation and space than the West Hartford office. I cleared out my West Hartford Space this weekend and I am having all the grief about that. That is where I've practiced since I got licensed and it's been amazing! I am so grateful that the ECC has another space and that I can get back to helping you relieve your stress, tension, anxiety, and pain! I will be reaching out to my clients that have purchased gift cards during these last 6 months to get them on the schedule for this upcoming Sunday and October 4th ( and October 11th if the time is needed). Once we get those going I will start reaching out to other clients who have reached out in the last few months looking to come in! Then as long as all goes well and the state is still in good shape, I will open up scheduling again online for anyone and everyone to come on in! Next, those of you who have been reading the last few emails know that the last month or so I've been coaching 6 clients for free to really develop my coaching skills. This has been AMAZING. I am so grateful to the amazing humans that have really shown up for themselves and have given me the opportunity to get better at this skill. Investing in coaching myself has been one of the best gifts I've ever offered myself. I am currently working with a coach specific to my ADHD, who has helped me to actually accomplish what I say I will, manage my mind, hold me accountable, really listen, and has been helping to develop me into a coach! I've also been part of a program specific to ADHD, which has been amazing. I never knew how powerful it could be to have a community of people going through similar struggles! I've also been receiving singing coaching. For my whole life, the thing that lights me up the most is singing but I was hiding from owning this gift for a long time. For many years, if someone asked me to sing in something, I would. However, I would never take initiative to put myself out there. I was scared to actually give something my all that I care this deeply about. Prioritizing my love of singing has brought me to life! Something I am working on everyday is is allowing myself time and space to enjoy singing and facing what it means to be visible and vulnerable. So anyways, that is just my little ( medium sized?) tangent on how coaching has positively impacted my life! I am officially going to start taking coaching clients! I am thrilled to be able to offer you: a safe space to explore and find some clarity on who you are and what you want in any aspect of your life, time to pay attention to what really matters to you, accountability, and uncovering of what thoughts are holding you back and what thoughts can fuel you towards the action you'd like to be taking, and the firm belief in you as the creative, resourceful, capable, and whole person you are. I make it my mission to be someone who will hold the vision of you at your best to offer it to you when you can't see it! If this resonates for you, please email me! If you think someone else in your life would benefit, please send them my information! We'll set up a time to discuss your unique goals, what to expect from a 6 month coaching program, and decide if we mutually want to move together with coaching. I can't wait to hear from you and I am literally pumped to begin! Last but certainly not least: here is my most recent video, created for you! Here I dive into emotions again! You'll learn about what emotions are, the subtle difference between feelings and emotions, why feelings are physical, why that matters, and how to move through them. By the way, feeling/processing/moving through has been ( and continues to be) the most life changing work in my life and in those I work with. I love you all. I am so grateful you are here and as always, I love to hear from you. Don't hesitate to reach out to me with ANY questions, comments, concerns, etc. I am glad that you've all been keeping me virtually company, these last 6 months, navigating 202 and all that has come with it,

together! In Gratitude, Eileen

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