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Transformation and Resisting Emotion

Eileen Dickinson, LMT

Dear One, What I've seen throughout my years as a massage therapist is a lot of transformation. It is amazing to watch someone's demeanor change, body image improve, anxiety levels decrease, neck and shoulder tension subside, the ability to enjoy positive touch for the first time in many years, and more. I've seen so many of you shift in different ways. I, myself, went through a transformation through massage therapy. My anxiety levels decreased and the awareness of my mind and body connection, how so many emotions were stored in my body unprocessed and then finally were released, etc. This transformation was what really inspired me to start my own business and serve you. For the last year, I've been receiving life coaching with a coach who specializes in ADHD ( which for those of you who don't know, I was diagnosed with in high school.) Life coaching has created transformation for me by looking at the ways I've been stuck and struggling to move forward and really start taking more and more action towards my dreams and desires. The more I learned, the more I kept thinking about all of you and wanting so badly to share these tools with you, to add to the transformation you were getting in your lives. So, since I've been home wanting so badly to give everyone a massage and just wondering how else I can serve my people from home while I don't believe massage therapy is safe quite yet, my coach has now been training me to be a life coach. So far I've been enjoying learning as much as I can and developing the skill of coaching. It is thrilling to see the transformation that can happen when someone is on your side and working to keep the highest vision of you and your goals in mind. I can not wait to get back to hands on work AND I am so excited to have more value to offer. For now, before I officially begin charging for coaching, I am looking for 4 more people to coach for free for 4 weeks beginning the week of July 19th. If you're curious what coaching is all about, you want to begin working towards a goal, more alignment with your values, or really just anything is eating at you right now and you'd like to see some transformation, now is the time to begin and I'm PSYCHED to offer this to my favorite people. If you're interested, next week I will be do discovery Zoom calls on Wednesday ( between 10:30-3:30) and Saturday( 3:30- 10 pm). Just send me an email and we can set up a time. During the call, I will answer any questions you have, I will get an idea of what goals you may have for working together, make sure our schedules will work, and decide if we mutually want to move forward with 4 weeks of free coaching! Today I share with you some thoughts on resisting emotions. Realizing how often I was not doing the things I wanted to do because I was resisting feeling my emotions has been a key in moving myself forward and so I am excited to share this with you!! I mention in the video that I will discuss more on resisting emotions that feel more "positive" later, but I never went into it and it got so long I decided that I will save that for another video. Hope you're all doing well. Don't hesitate to reach out with thoughts, questions, or just to catch me up on how you're doing. Keep me in the loop- was this video helpful? Is there something you'd like to see more of from me? Let me know. I am here to serve my people! In Gratitude, Eileen

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